Order Tracking Page (for Customers) - How my Customers can Track their Orders through my Website ?
- Yes! you can create your own Order Tracking page for your Customers, so they can Track their Orders through your own Website.
- Also you can add Promotional Marketing banner of your Product or Sale to generate more Revenue.
- To Setup your "Order Tracking page" follow below steps :
- Go to your ILS Portal
- From left-side menu Click on "Settings" option
- Click on "Order Tracking" Section
- In Appearance Tab > In Brand Slug > Add your Brand Slug at the end of the Tracking page link in the Textbox > Click on "Check Availability" button to check if its available.
- If it shows "URL is available" popup > Copy the Tracking link below the Brand Slug Textbox & Set it in Header or Footer of your Website with the help of your Developer.
- Then in Availability below Brand Slug > Click on "Enable" button to enable this feature
That's it, now your customers can easily Track their orders from your Website.
- Order Tracking- Overview
- To track their Orders your Customers will Click on the Order Tracking Page Link set by your developer on your Website, which will direct them to your "Tracking Login Page" where they can enter their Order details like "Order no. & Phone no./Email OR AWB no." & Click on the "Track Order" button. After that they will be directed to "Tracking Detail Page"
- You can also add Promotion Banner Image on Tracking Login page for your Customers, from Settings to promote your Products, Services, Events, or Latest Special Offers.
- Tracking Detail Page
- Here Customer can check their Order Delivery Status as "Ready to Ship, Manifested, In Transit, Out for Delivery or Delivered".
- Also they can check other Contents like "Customer Information, Tracking Information, Shipment History & Items of Shipment".
- You can Customize your Tracking Login Page & Tracking Detail Page (e.g. Appearance & theme) from "Order Tracking" Section
- Customization Settings -
- Appearance
- Appearance