Bulk Manual Order Import- How to Import Manual Orders in Bulk ?

  • In Indian Logistics Services, you can Create Manual Orders in Bulk by "Import" feature, in which you just need to enter your Order details in a CSV File & Import it in our App.

  • To Import Orders follow below Steps :
    1. Login to your Indian Logistics Services Account
    2. Go to "Order" Section from left-side menu

    3. Click on "Import" button
    4. Then in "Import Orders" popup, there are 2 Tabs, "Import New File" & "Imported File List".

    5. In "Import New file" Tab download the Sample File from "Download Sample" link, to get the Format in which you need to enter your Order Details.
    6. After entering all your Order details in the CSV file go to ILS
    7. Click on Import button

    8. From "Channel" dropdown select your Manual Channel
    9. Upload your CSV file from "Choose File" button
    10. Click on "Import Order" button to import all those Orders in ILS.
  • Order Import Format :
    1. order-id : Order no. of the Order.
    2. purchase-date : It's your Order Placement Date, which must be in ISO Time format.
    3. updated-date : It's the Last Order Update Time on the Platform on which orders are getting placed by the Customer.
    4. payment-mode : Here will come one of the two options COD or Paid.
    5. total-amount : Total Amount that must be paid by the Customer, including Shipping Charge. So make Sure its Correct, according to the Quantity, Price, Tax, Discount & Shipping Charge added in the Order.
    6. shipping-price : Total Shipping charge of the Order
    7. shipping-title : Shipping Method, for e.g. Standard, Express, Same day Delivery etc.
    8. total-discount : Total Discount of your Order
    9. price : Price Rate of your Item
    10. tax-price : Total Tax of an Item (including all its Quantity)
    11. tax-included : If Tax included then put "1" & if Tax Excluded then put "0".
  • How to check Error in Orders :
    • If any Order is not being Created in ILS, then there must be an Error in that Order in the Uploaded CSV file
    • To know the Error follow below steps :
      1. In Order Section, Click on Import button
      2. Go to "Imported File List" Tab
      3. Here you can find the CSV file you uploaded, containing the Error Orders
      4. You can Download the File from the "Download" icon in "Error Orders" Column
      5. In the CSV file in the right-most "Reason" Column you will find the Error Description

Thank You
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Phone : +91 76989 22518 (Call / Whatsapp)
Chat : Live "Chat" option given in Order Section of our App